Aging brings about a lot of changes you might not see coming. Your forehead, for example, is an area that can be a big revealer of age. Wrinkles develop between your eyes and across your brow from worry or stress. Gravity exerts influence on your forehead, causing your brow region to pull down over your eyes, which could impair your vision. Plus, these changes affect your entire face and cause you to look older and less energized.
The good news? All changes can be corrected with a simple brow lift. A brow lift is a surgical procedure that will smooth, tighten, and lift your forehead to brighten your face and improve your vision.
Brow Lift Types
There are two types of brow lifts: classic and endoscopic. Both of these types are offered by Dr. Nassif at his practice.
In a classic lift, the surgeon makes one continuous incision from one ear to the other, just behind the hairline. The skin on your forehead can then be lifted back to allow the surgeon access to the muscles and other soft tissue. If any muscles are damaged or need tightening, they can be repaired or trimmed. The external skin tissue is lifted back over the muscles and the excess is trimmed away. The remaining tissue is sutured into place and smoothed out to reduce or eliminate any wrinkles.
An endoscopic lift is a more advanced brow lift in which the surgeon makes a number of small incisions instead of one long incision. These are also placed behind the hairline from one side of the forehead to the other. From there, the surgeon uses an endoscope and smaller tools to make any necessary corrections through the incisions before closing them up.
The classic brow lift is usually employed with patients who need more extensive work across their entire brow region, especially if the surgeon will need to have complete access to the underlying muscle and soft tissue. The endoscopic lift is generally preferred by surgeons if it will be of the greatest benefit to the patient, because it has a shorter recovery time and a smaller amount of bruising or swelling. Your surgeon will decide which lift will give you the most optimal results during your patient consultation.
Brow Lift Recovery
Your forehead will be bruised and swollen after your surgery and will stay that way for several days, so make sure you have lots of ice packs and painkillers on hand during your recovery. Any bandages can be removed after two or three days and the sutures will be removed after about a week. Once your incisions heal, any scars will be hidden behind your hairline. Complete recovery from your brow lift surgery usually takes a few weeks, but you’ll be able to return to your normal activities after 10 days or so. The best way to maximize your recovery is to follow all the instructions given to you by your surgeon. Brow Lift Consultation.
If you want to improve your appearance with a brow lift surgery, contact Dr. Nassif to schedule a patient consultation. Dr. Nassif will do an assessment of your brow region and talk to you about what you’d like your final results to look like, then make a plan for your surgery so you can enjoy a brighter and younger appearance. To schedule an appointment, call us at (310) 275-2467 or send an email through our Contact page.