Experience a brighter look with a Brow Lift

Over time, our faces succumb to the effects of the aging process. Genetics, excessive sun exposure, and gravity all contribute to skin aging, making us look older than we feel. These changes usually manifest as unwanted wrinkles and forehead creases. Thankfully, the world of cosmetology offers solutions to rejuvenate our facial appearances. A brow lift can give your face a refreshed and more youthful look.

Your Beverly Hills Brow Lift consultation

Patients who have concerns or questions about the brow lift procedure, also known as a forehead lift, can rest assured that they will have the opportunity to learn more about it during the private consultation. Your initial meeting with Dr. Nassif, a leading facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, will cover all essential details. We assess every patient's medical history, including current and past medications, supplements, and drug usage. This information helps us determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, which is the case for most individuals.

During your consultation for a brow lift in Los Angeles, you can talk to Dr. Nassif about the issues that you want to see improve. Many people with pronounced signs of aging experience a drop in self-confidence. Dr. Nassif invites you to share your objectives for the procedure with him, making sure they are realistic and achievable. While plastic surgery delivers remarkable results, like any surgical procedure, it comes with certain risks. Dr. Nassif will go over all of these potential risks during the consultation. 

Risks and Complications

According to data gathered from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the risks associated with brow lift procedures are minimal. That said, some of the most common risks for this procedure include the following:

  • Temporary forehead numbness following the procedure
  • Potential loss of eyebrow or forehead movement 
  • Permanent hair loss or thinning near the incision scar

These effects are usually temporary and dissipate over a short period of time. 

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The Brow Lift procedure

The night before the surgery, patients must abstain from eating or drinking after midnight. Cleansing with an antimicrobial soap both the evening before and on the morning of the procedure is also incredibly important. Dr. Nassif offers two methods for your brow lift in Beverly Hills. The classic approach involves a continuous incision along the natural hairline from the tip of one upper ear to the corresponding tip of the other.

Dr. Nassif elevates the skin, eliminating excess tissue, and may trim the underlying muscle for a more natural look. Following this, the incision is closed with sutures. The placement of the incision can be adjusted based on additional goals, such as addressing hair loss, if combined with the brow lift procedure.

Technological innovations enable us to utilize endoscopy to carry out a brow lift with a less invasive approach. This method involves creating multiple small incisions discreetly within the hairline. It frequently results in minimized bruising and swelling, affording a shorter recovery period and sidestepping the potential risks associated with general anesthesia.

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What is the Difference Between a Brow Lift and Upper Eye Lift?

In this video, Dr. Nassif discusses the main differences between brow lift and upper eye lift surgery.

Dr. Paul Nassif Speaks On Upper Eye Lift And Brow Lift Surgeries.


After your brow lift in Los Angeles, you may initially experience nausea or discomfort upon waking. Notify the medical staff, as they can provide medication for relief. In the post-surgery phase, stick to a diet of light, bland foods, gradually transitioning to spicier or heavier options as the days pass. Always adhere to any specific dietary restrictions if provided.

While the final results will leave you looking younger and more relaxed, expect some bruising for approximately ten days following a brow lift. The surgeon will apply head bandages to minimize swelling and bleeding. Patients will receive prescription pain and antibiotic medications for home use, and it's crucial to follow the dosage instructions for a successful recovery.

The bandages will be removed within a few days following the procedure, but the sutures must remain in place for a period of seven to ten days. Patients must sleep with their heads elevated to alleviate swelling and avoid strenuous physical activity. It is also recommended that they take short walks to prevent blood clots. For the first two to three days, make sure to keep the incision site dry.

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Watch Dr. Nassif on The Doctors Explain a Browlift

Watch Dr. Nassif on The Doctors Explain a Browlift

Brow Lift FAQ

Does a facelift include the forehead?

I have a receding hairline; can a brow lift address this?

People say I look like I’m mad all the time, why is this?

I’m not sure if I should get forehead work done; what is the best age for candidacy?

I don’t know if I should have any work done; I don’t like the idea of being put under anesthesia. What should I do?

Does a facelift include the forehead?

A facelift, or Rhytidectomy, addresses the area of the face from the eyes down. Depending on the extent of the changes you desire, your physician may recommend separate procedures like a necklift or forehead lift for a comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It is entirely possible to combine all three procedures into one surgery, though it will require more time. If you believe you need more than a browlift, our team is happy to go over your options with you.

I have a receding hairline; can a brow lift address this?

Whether a receding hairline can be addressed with a brow lift depends on Dr. Nassif's assessment and your preferences. Many individuals opt for this procedure to address hair loss and premature balding. In some cases, incisions can be made lower on the forehead to lower the hairline. Your specific condition will determine if this procedure is the right choice for you.

People say I look like I’m mad all the time, why is this?

The aging process can lead to facial expressions that convey anger, fatigue, or displeasure. As we age, forehead wrinkles, eye tension, and frowning can contribute to this perception.

I’m not sure if I should get forehead work done; what is the best age for candidacy?

Brow lift candidates typically fall within the age range of 40 to 70, but younger individuals with genetic factors leading to deep forehead creases can also benefit from the procedure. If you aer still uncertain if the treatment is right for you, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Nassif to address your concerns directly.

I don’t know if I should have any work done; I don’t like the idea of being put under anesthesia. What should I do?

During your consultation for a forehead lift with Dr. Nassif in his Beverly Hills office, express your concerns regarding anesthesia. Your consultation offers the opportunity to discuss your apprehensions and explore anesthetics options with Dr. Nassif, ensuring you feel comfortable and well-informed about the procedure.

Get the most from life

Dr. Paul Nassif understands the importance of feeling confident in your appearance. He works with patients to enhance their natural beauty and allow them to get the most out of life. If you are interested in an appointment with Dr. Nassif, contact our office to schedule your consultation.

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